Monday, December 21, 2015




(adj.) When used to describe software or computer systems, robust can describe one or more of several qualities : 
  • a system that does not break down easily or is not wholly affected by a single application failure
  • a system that either recovers quickly from or holds up well under exceptional circumstances
  • a system that is not wholly affected by a bug in one aspect of it
  • a system that comes with a wide range of capabilities. (It should be noted that this last sense of the term robust is not uniformly accepted in technical circles. The term is typically used in this sense in the marketing of software or computer systems to emphasize a selling point and does not refer to the first three meanings of the term.)


Robustness of Ikonomikal can be best understood by explaining the following:

  1. Error Handling and Integrity Checking
  2. Scalability and Reliability

1. Error Handling and Integrity Checking

1.1. Error Handling

Ability to anticipate or detect wrong entries and inform meaningful messages back to the user

Error Handling

1.1.1. Data Entry errors are reported back via Dialog Boxes

Error Handling

1.1.2. Errors made by short running processes such as saving, deleting, uploading, queuing, and etc. are also reported back via Dialog Boxes

Error Handling

1.1.3. Errors made by long running processes such as Posting, Helper Programs, Import Ques, and etc. are reported back via Notifications and Emails.

Error Handling

1.1.4. Errors made by long running subscription processes such as DB Version, DB Tier Performance, DB Restoration, Storage Templates, And Add-Ins are also reported back via Notifications and Emails.

1.2. Integrity Checking

Ability to self check for data errors to correct if necessary and report status.

Integrity Checking

1.2.1. Real time correction of data entry mistakes

Integrity Checking

1.2.2. Correction of data entry mistakes while on the process of saving, deleting, closing, uploading, queuing, and etc.

Integrity Checking

1.2.3. Checking And Balancing with the use of 3 Tables on major ledgers such as AR/AP, HR, Inventory, Treasury, etc. 

  • 1st table is for Transaction Detail
  • 2nd table is for Application Detail
  • 3rd table is for Balance

Integrity Checking

1.2.4. Completely rolls back to a previous state when it was last integral following the rules of an A.C.I.D. database. 

2. Scalability And Reliability

Scalability (Scaling Out)

Ability to increase in performance or  in numbers to handle a growing amount of work. 

Ikonomikal is built to scale out.

Ikonomikal Reliability

Ability to perform as per specification and to recover back on failure. 

Ikonomikal together with Azure Services is reliable.

Scalability And Reliability

2.1 Web servers are handled by Azure Cloud Service and enables us to do the following:

  • Provision new web servers when needed
  • Automatically increase or decrease processors or memory capacities based on settings
  • Web request distribution across different web servers.
  • Ensures failed web request when retried are received by other web servers

Scalability And Reliability

2.2 Point-In-Time Database Restore handled by Azure SQL Database allowed us to build a simplified version for our subscribers to use. Subscribers are able to restore their database any point-in-time within 14 Days.

Scalability And Reliability

2.3 Geo Database Restore handled by Azure SQL Database allowed us to make backups of subscriber databases having 1 Hour difference. The backup is stored miles away from our data center and restorable only at the time of the last backup.

You may be interested to know (please click to browse):
  1. What are the Security Features of Ikonomikal?
  2. Is 3rd Party Integration Possible in Ikonomikal?
  3. What is Ikonomikal SSL Security Level?
  4. Company website of Ikonomikal
  5. Ikonomikal software site
  6. What is Ikonomikal?

Please click to send inquiry by email to: Teodoro Rolluqui

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