Thursday, July 7, 2016


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Student Registration program is one of the Admissions group of programs in the School Information System (SIS) Add-In Modules of Ikonomikal Cloud Accounting ERP

The objective is to record the details of the student as required and indicated in the Student Registration windows as follows:
  1. General (information)
  2. Scholastic Movements
  3. Personal Information
  4. Government Issued Documents
  5. Current Address
  6. Permanent Address
  7. Mailing Address
  8. Previous Scholastic Information 1
  9. Previous Scholastic Information 2
  10. Students Under The Guardian
  11. Registered Enrollments

1. General

The General window as shown on the above image of the Student Registration  contains the following information:
  1. Code or Student Identification Number. It automatically appears upon saving.
  2. Full Name - automatically appears after filling the Legal Name
  3. For Branch - refers to branch code and name of the school or school company name
  4. Legal Name - First Name, Middle Name and Last Name. This is based on government document such as Birth Certificate, Passport or court ruling.
  5. Nickname - or the other name the group is usually fond of calling
  6. Guardian ID - is the designated responsible persons. They are usually the parents of anyone of the them. They are the contact person.
  7. Contact Information - refers to the numbers of Telephone and Mobile phones. It includes also the email address of the student.

2. Scholastic Movements

The Scholastic Movements refer to the student movement and the corresponding date of occurrence:
  1. Transfer Out
  2. Drop Out
  3. Graduation

3. Personal Information

The Personal Information shall contain the following data:
1. Birth Date
2. Gender
3. Current Age
4. Place of Birth
5. Picture - may be taken from electronic file or take a picture now using the same picture program itself
6. Social Information:
        6.a. Has other enrolled siblings  (Yes or No)
        6.b. Citizenship
        6.c. Religion

4. Government Issued Documents

The Government Issued Documents window is applicable to International Schools and other schools accepting foreign students. The basic required documents of a foreign national are:
1. Residence ID
2. Passport ID

5. Current Address

The Current Address window refers to the student address where he/she is presently staying or residing. This is the place where the student is coming from and returning to everyday. It may also be the school bus pick up point of the student. 

1. User Guardian Current Address? Select "Yes" if living in the same residence of the guardian in order not to retype the same. Select "No" then fill or select appropriate information.
2. Description of the location - could be name of the student, mother or father or relative or who is In-Charge of the Household 
3. Address Line 1 - Apartment or Room Number, Floor Number, House or Building Name or Number
4. Address Line 2 - Street Name
5. Address Line 3 - Sitio, Section, Subdivision
6. P.O. Box - is Post Office Box in the baranggay, city or municipality
7. Mobile - or Cellphone (cp) number
8. Telephone - or Landline phone
9. Fax - or facsimile for sending document
10. Zip Code - is the location of the Post Office Box number/code, or could be a baranggay, town or city
11. Country - name of the nation
12. Area - Baranggay, Bario or County
13. Muncp/City - other name is Town and is the group name covering Baranggay, Bario or County
14. Province - is the group name covering Municipality, Town or City
15. Region - is the bigger group name covering Provinces

6. Permanent Address

The  Permanent Address window could be the same as the current address of the student. The Permanent Address may also be different from the current address. A good example is a student in another country which he/she is currently residing but permanent address is in the country of origin.

7. Mailing Address

The  Mailing Address window may be the same as either the current or permanent address. The Mailing Address could also be different as the student may designate an address to receive notice or slow mail. The required content is similar with the above two addresses and therefore self explanatory in data entry.

8. Previous Scholastic Information 1

The Previous Scholastic Information 1 from the previous school has to be entered to put on record and as a reference. The data to enter in the respective columns is as follows:
1. Previous School name
2. Grade Level
3. Last Attendance
4. Academic Honors
5. Extra Curricular Awards

9. Previous Scholastic Information 2

The lists and answers to the below queries required Previous Scholastic Information 2 shall be entered:

1. List all the co-curricular organizations and/or varsities you have participated in. Indicate the position(s) held and year level(s) when you were in office. (ex. Basketball Varsity: Forward – Gr. 8, Team Captain – Gr. 8)

2. List all your sports, hobbies, interests, special skills, and talents.

3. Have you failed any subject(s) in your previous years at the end of a school term? If yes, please indicate the failed subject(s), grade level(s), and reasons.

4. Have you repeated a grade level? If yes, which year level and why?

5. Were you ever dismissed, suspended or placed under disciplinary probation? If yes, please indicate offense(s) and sanction(s).

6. What are your reasons for choosing this school?

10. Students Under the Guardian

The window for Students Under the Guardian is about knowing the list of students. There could be one or more. This window is only for information. The user may always return to this window to know the updated lists. Just Click the title icon "Get Student List". 

11. Registered Enrollments

The Registered Enrollments window is for information only about the number of enrollments the student have in the school.  The user may always return to this window to know the updated lists. Just Click the title icon "Enrollment List" to show the following:
1. Enrollment ID
2. Date
3. Course 

Status of SIS Development

Developed Phases:
1. Admission and Collection (finished and ready to use)
2. Grading (finished and ready to use)
3. Attendance (finished and ready to use)

Phases to Develop:
4. Scheduling of Subjects and Room Assignments
5. Point of Sale
6. Bus Service
7. Library System
8. Students and Faculty Portal

Please click the following to know more about Ikonomikal

Suggested modifications, customizations and developments with general industry use will be done and corresponding upgrades will be deployed accordingly for free.
Click to email:Teodoro Rolluqui

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